Monday, July 30, 2012

Chapter 7 - Making a Contribution

Opener #6 : Learner Participation in Open Information Communities

What this book is about - the creation of free and open access educational materials by anyone.  No limits on access, use, sharing or contributions.

Companies like Wikimedia  exemplify this to this author.  Relying on users that donate their time and talents.  It has become Mainstream

Web 1.0 to 2.0  
Internet has transformed from popular information transmission/consumption platform to a content creation, sharing, remixing, repurposing and distribution model.

Listing of different 2.0 tools, Chinswing, dotsub, YackPack, Youtube,
Exciting times to be a learner or a teacher.  All of these tools are essentially asynchronous.

hogging 1/3 of Internet user 79 million people watched more then 3 billion Youtube videos in 1 month.
What happens when crushes bandwidth use? Government involvement? Bill Gates famously said personal computers will never need more the 4mb of Ram.  We are in 4 Terabytes now....

There is always this "the internet will end" montra.... usually for control purposes... either government or company initiated.

wireless/mobile tech have made u-learning possible.

this alters the traditional teacher-student relationship by encouraging learners to be more active in their learning pursuits.  For example, Martha using her ipad to look up Skatistan ...

Mobil Learning

ipod.... nearly all mobile devices learners are connected in some way
smart phones, twitter

I find it interesting that Schools is one of only placing you CAN'T have your mobile device.

Digital Clothing
Humans Online ALL the TIME... attention your LIFE WILL BE BROADCAST 24/7

Digital Schools
pocket schools (use mobil devices for school)

1 2 1 laptop

m learning and u-learning

* this utopian ideal is great, but it still rides on the backbone of businesses willing to fund and maintain it through some value added model.  Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple etc.... don't just give away "free" stuff without getting something in return.  Without a companies like these to provide the infrastructure of server farms, software and hardware the "cloud" would not exist.

Youtube is great but it has to be monetized to continue.  Twitter currently has millions and millions of users, but has not figured out how to monetize them yet.  It will die if it doesn't, disappearing like Netscape, AOL, Myspace.....


  1. Wow. There is a lot mentioned in this chapter.....though I think some of what you mention above is highlighted in later chapters (at least from my notes). I have a few things from this chapter I am going elaborate on.....

    We are indeed in an age where the passive bystander to the world events no longer exists. We can create content about any topic and respond to the ideas and actions of other like never before. Using twitter podcasts, blogs and facebook we can share our thoughts and ideas quickly for the world to see.

    The site Chinswing ( is another way we can quickly and efficiently share our ideas. Instead of typing the words here (at a pace much slower than the 50 words per minute they cite) i could say them....Cool. Plus I would not have to worry so much about spelling. :)

    dotSub ( Looks cool. This is a tool that could be useful. I had a student a few years back that was hearing impaired. This might have been a way to help him with the podcasts I used. Instead of needing a translator or providing a written transcript I could have used this.

    YackPack......I can see how this might be useful in some settings.....But its DEAD!!!

    I guess that is one downside of web 2.0. Some things that are awesome, disappear to become for profit....because that is the nature of business. Google would not be so COOL if not for some way to make a profit to fund a larger presence. Of course that is not always the case....Wikipedia.

    YouTube is one of my favorite web 2.0 tools. Teachertube and Skooltube, not so much. I like YouTube, not only for the educational value but its great entertainment. And anyone can create a video. I have several. Even like Dancing Matt ( This is something, when I was young, I never thought would be possible. But for my kids its common and everyplace. We go to YouTube all the time. Its may spin off and “YouTube” alikes have their places as well. I think other than Moodle my students spend more time here than any other web tool. And yes....I love the Common Craft videos. I use them all the time. ( and many of the works my Fisch. I think the first time I saw “Did You Know?” I said wow. Now its common knowledge to most educators. (updated - One for my favorite Screencasters is BozemanBiology by Paul Anderson (

  2. It's amazing what is available on YouTube. I can find most of the Bill Nye videos but I wonder if they are there legally. There is also a lot of not so great stuff to wade through.
