Project Plan for Keith's Strand
Last year I had a "picture timeline" on one of the big bulletin boards in the classroom. This was a great feature because it documented the different activities we did all year. After seeing the ITSVMS blogs, I would like to try to turn the "picture timeline" into a classroom blog. When it is up and running (hopefully) I envision a different student each day (on a rotation) writing a post at the end of the day about something that stuck with them that day. I would also like to have the camera out daily(?) so that each day could have pictures and/or video to accompany it (including student work).
Reverse Teaching
Idea 1: Accelerated Math
This year is going to be my first year of teaching an accelerated math class. I like the idea of using these kids as resources for other students (I have been teaching a Title 1 math class for the last 2 years). I also like David's idea of having students watch Khan Academy, then trying to work through the material, with me as a last resort.
Idea 2: Career Unit
A project that I do with my 5th graders is a career project. I've done this at the end of the year for the past 2 years, but this year I'm planning on doing it in the beginning of the year. Part of their project is to create a presentation. This year I had all the students follow me step-by-step as I created an example on the Promethean Board. This worked well, but I was definitely holding kids back as I pulled the slower ones along. If I created videos of how to put together the presentation, kids could work at their own pace. I could do this using Quicktime screencast or have a kid record me as I'm doing it.
*I hope these ideas are on the right track!
Excellent.... right on track. I would recommend trying to do this for 1 cycle to see how it works. You maybe able to embed the timeline aspect in your blog as well (Google Calendar)