Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I'm having trouble uploading videos to my blog. I use the "insert a video" icon, then choose the file I want to upload (I make sure it's under 30 seconds). My computer thinks about uploading and attempts for a while, but then I'll get an error message. Any reason this would be happening, or any other tips for uploading a video? Thanks!


  1. I had the same problem. I exported mine to iTunes and saved it for the smallest iPod/iTouch and then uploaded as a movie through the regular "insert a video".

  2. 1. I find some times the schools filter messes my uploads. 2. Check your video format type. I some times had to convert my videos to quicktime then upload them 3. I also just upload videos to a picassa web album (especially longer ones or multiples) then embed and link that album

  3. 1. I find some times the schools filter messes my uploads. 2. Check your video format type. I some times had to convert my videos to quicktime then upload them 3. I also just upload videos to a picassa web album (especially longer ones or multiples) then embed and link that album

  4. 1. I find some times the schools filter messes my uploads. 2. Check your video format type. I some times had to convert my videos to quicktime then upload them 3. I also just upload videos to a picassa web album (especially longer ones or multiples) then embed and link that album
