Friday, September 6, 2013

So what did you think of this book? Do you think we should use it again?

Digital Connections in the Classroom(Marcovitz, ISTE, 2012)

Was this worth it?  Do you have another recommendation?

*Don't forget to make sure you have commented on each chapter unless you were the initial poster...  and post your plan proposal & Setup.

Now you can focus on your Project.   Don't need a post until end of this month on what students are doing, how its going.


  1. This book was OK, but I preferred the other book we read. For me this book was pretty similar to the information presented in two other EDT classes I've taken already, EDT 520 and 525. I would have preferred something else along the lines of our strand.

  2. I liked this book better than our original book as it was much easier to read and understand. Since technology is always evolving, I think that it's hard to find a book that is 100% relevant and up to date. With that said, no book is going to be relevant for all of us so maybe just the book for each strand and no book for the entire group?
