Friday, August 17, 2012

Chapter 12 (Part 1) - Treasuers and Traps of This Open Learning World

Do We-All-Learn?

1. "It should be clear from reading... there is not just ONE person/resource/idea responsible for the changes taking place"

2. The Stats don't lie.... and their is ton of data to prove this stuff works and is the way.

3. Proof of Concept is not just in the data, but real world experiences.

4. There is a WAY.....
  • Enhanced Web-based infrastructure
  • Free/Open Content available
  • People want to share and participate in personalizing knowledge-sharing
WE-ALL-LEARN template is place to start rethinking and reforming education.

Resistance is futile...  in the 21st century learning technology is hard to ignore.

The world is interconnected.... for real this time..... the web awaits teachers and trainers!

The knowledge-sharing faucet has been turned on..... FOR MILLIONS WHO LACKED ACCESS BEFORE!

It is now not about getting the innovated tool or access, but surviving the onslaught of information!

Personalized Age of Learning has arrived and is opening up to ALL not the few.

No longer the student leaves the classroom and the teacher.  They can find the tutor online anywhere any time for a life time.  They can access the information on any device at any time.

We are learning toward a learning culture.... "Humankind will come to realize that learning customization and personalization is the norm, not the exception."

Now we all just need to find our "Co-Learners" and the end of "Sage on the stage" teachers.

 Teachers will be ubiquitous.... and learning will be blended and self-determined.

There will be expansion of free educational resources.

Advances create era of learning on demand.  Real-time experiences mixed with virtual worlds create authentic learning opportunities.

Libraries of the future -

  • Fingertipping Alexandrain Aristotles know where and how to retrieve ANY information needed.
  • Frontal Lobe Alexandrian Aristotles will learn a portion of info and can tell you
  • Fingertipping Frontal Lobers will be the creative thinkers.
New age of learning at a distance...

They say the new generation of kids brains are actually being wired in a different way because of the technology they access.  It not just an iPad... but a rewiring machine.

Technology has evolved beyond educational theories on how to use them.

1 comment:

  1. My school is reading a book for staff development about teaching strategies. One of the strategies is "The New American Lecture". The lecture has gotten a bad rap (Sage on the Stage is the putdown, I guess). I think a lecture is a viable way of transmitting information and can be very effective if the speaker is good. Many of the educational resources mentioned in this book are indeed videos of Sages on the Stage - for example college lectures, TED Talks, and more. It really is okay to be able to listen to someone for more than half a minute. The strategy about the New American Lecture explains how to chunk information and review with an interactive activity between chunks.
    What I found helpful in this chapter is the info that the resources and examples throughout the book are all neatly listed on the website by chapter. Bonk mentions his "other" book, Empowering Online Learning, which is more of a how to book and is available to borrow from the UM library system. I like that he iterates the WE ALL LEARN framework and suggestse actions people can take for each opener.
    Now that I have finally finished reading this book, I can say that I am glad for the information in it but think that, like most books, the information could have been presented thoroughly yet concisely in about a third of the pages. Part of surviving the onslaught of information is finding quick and timely sources. This book was not a quick read though it could have been.
