Saturday, June 29, 2013

Happy 4th! Take some time

To my strand take some time off! You had a lot of info during this last week.

Enjoy some time off!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Mr. CEU's Proposal Link

I created my proposal on my google docs and when I went to copy and paste it to this blog, it wouldn't. So, here is the link you can click in order to view my proposal.

Lindsay's Plan

I would like to create a Pathway in Educate for a math unit that has the capacity matrix, tasks, assessment options, video tutorials (made by me), and a list of extra resources all available in one place. A pathway in Educate is a way to show the entire scope of a unit at the beginning and allow learners to personalize their learning progression based on the given learning targets. Teachers, advisors, parents, and students can login at any point and see what learning targets have already reached proficiency and what is the next task. Students can also submit their pieces of evidence electronically so that they are linked and archived to specific learning targets, automatically creating a digital portfolio.
Transparency is acheived through my Pathway because learners and parents will be able to see how every component of a unit helps us achieve the end goal. Learners will also be able to gain independence through reverse teaching by utilizing the resources within the pathway. I will create my own videos/screen-casts that introduce/re-teach material for learners and be available at all times along with other resources I have found (as well as other students have found and student created exemplars). Students will also be able to make informative decisions when it comes to voice and choice because they will be able to see how their choices effect their individual learning progression. Learners will be able to make daily and long-term goals based on the pathway and learning targets.
Parents and learners will be able to login to Educate and see our pathway. Other teachers who have access to Educate will have access to our pathway (I also have access to the public pathways for more resources). Educate is a closed system, so only school districts that have purchased the program have access to the database.
Project Plan for Keith's Strand

Last year I had a "picture timeline" on one of the big bulletin boards in the classroom. This was a great feature because it documented the different activities we did all year. After seeing the ITSVMS blogs, I would like to try to turn the "picture timeline" into a classroom blog. When it is up and running (hopefully) I envision a different student each day (on a rotation) writing a post at the end of the day about something that stuck with them that day. I would also like to have the camera out daily(?) so that each day could have pictures and/or video to accompany it (including student work).

Reverse Teaching
Idea 1: Accelerated Math
This year is going to be my first year of teaching an accelerated math class. I like the idea of using these kids as resources for other students (I have been teaching a Title 1 math class for the last 2 years). I also like David's idea of having students watch Khan Academy, then trying to work through the material, with me as a last resort. 

Idea 2: Career Unit
A project that I do with my 5th graders is a career project. I've done this at the end of the year for the past 2 years, but this year I'm planning on doing it in the beginning of the year. Part of their project is to create a presentation. This year I had all the students follow me step-by-step as I created an example on the Promethean Board. This worked well, but I was definitely holding kids back as I pulled the slower ones along. If I created videos of how to put together the presentation, kids could work at their own pace. I could do this using Quicktime screencast or have a kid record me as I'm doing it. 

*I hope these ideas are on the right track!

Project Plan for Keith's Strand

Plan Project

I am going to start a blog for my students, parents, and even the community to go to. I plan on posting pictures/videos each week to show what my students are learning and to show their work. I also want to import google calendars to keep parents informed/reminded of field trips, units of study, homework, and school calendar. There will be a place for different links/documents for parents and students to access, such as blank reading logs, our schedule, and lesson hints/help.  I want my students to post what they have learned each week. I would rotate them every week to create a post. I also want students to take pictures during the week of their learning to put on the blog. 

Reverse Teaching

I would like to record lessons of me teaching as well as students teaching. This can be used as a way to teach a lesson to the class, a reteaching tool, a way to access my instruction when there is a sub, and for students/parents to access from home. Students will hopefully be involved in the recording. 

Project Plan for Keith's Strand

Project Plan for Keith's Strand

Plan Project
How am I going to be transparent?
Web presence...
Show your work and student work
What do you want to show to parents, admin, community, and the world
Just a website doesn't cut it!!

Reverse Teaching
How will students be involved
Asynchronous - ?
Google Hangout / Skype /

Blog Posts / Dates
Project Proposal (July 31)
Project Setup (August 28)
What will students do... (September)
Implementation / What did you do? (October) 
Outcome (November)
Feedback (November 30)

1.) 7/8
2.) 7/11
3.) 7/15
4.) 7/18
5.) 7/22
6.) 7/25
7.) 7/29
8.) 8/1

Digital Connections in the Classroom (Marcovitz, ISTE, 2012)
1.) 8/5
2.) 8/8
3.) 8/12
4.) 8/15
5.) 8/19
6.) 8/22
7.) 8/26
8.) 8/29
9.) 9/02

Project Plan for Keith's Strand

Plan Project
How am I going to be transparent?
Web presence...
Show your work and student work
What do you want to show to parents, admin, community, and the world
Just a website doesn't cut it!!

Reverse Teaching
How will students be involved
Asynchronous - ?
Google Hangout / Skype /

Blog Posts / Dates
Project Proposal (July 31)
Project Setup (August 28)
What will students do... (September)
Implementation / What did you do? (October) 
Outcome (November - before Thanksgiving)
Feedback (November 30)

1.) 7/8 David
2.) 7/11 Keith
3.) 7/15 Ilyse
4.) 7/18 Kayla
5.) 7/22 Lindsay
6.) 7/25 Ilyse
7.) 7/29 Kayla
8.) 8/1 Lindsay

Digital Connections in the Classroom (Marcovitz, ISTE, 2012)
1.) 8/5 Keith
2.) 8/8 Kayla
3.) 8/12 Lindsay
4.) 8/15 Ilyse
5.) 8/19 Ilyse
6.) 8/22 Kayla
7.) 8/26 Lindsay
8.) 8/29 Keith
9.) 9/02 Everyone

Thursday, June 27, 2013

STI Day 4 - 3d Printer

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Today, we experienced what 8th graders do in Mr. Kelley's class.

We started by exploring what SketchUp has to offer. We all worked at our own pace and viewed the interactive tutorials at our own pace. The screen-cast video above is of me completing the "Drawing 2" tutorial. This allowed us to play around, experiment with different tools, and make mistakes without needing to keep up with the instructor or sitting around bored. I am interested in the possibilities that SketchUp could have in the classroom, especially when we are working on Geometry learning targets.

We then worked on prototyping, which took us through the process of creating something digital and then transforming it into a real object with the wood carver or the 3D printer. This was a really engaging morning because we were creating something for an authentic audience. I can definitely see how this would hook learners in and teach them the value of re-working their work until they reach a certain level of quality.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

STI Day 3 - Testing Lego Robots....

Today we learned about "Scratch". It is a program that allows you to create your own game. You need to use codes to make sprites move and make sounds on a set stage. You can also play games other people have created. It is available online, as well as our MLTI laptops. Along with learning about "Scratch", we also learned how to take a screen capture video on QuickTime Player. This is how I was able to make the video below to show you what we did on scratch today!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Today we made SKATEBOARDS! We learned the process which included sanding the deck, measuring and drilling the holes for the trucks, applying and cutting the grip tape, putting on the trucks, and finally adding the wheels. Although the whole process was exciting, the best part was painting the decks to our liking. Overall, a great day 2 of STI!

STI Day 2 - Skateboards

Friday, June 21, 2013

Strand Meeting - Setup and Overview

Through the Looking Glass
We will learn about the concept of a transparent classroom by using reverse teaching techniques through hands on activities.  We will start doing what my 5th grade students do by building cars without directions while taking pictures/video for our blogs.

Reverse Teaching
After completion of Tuesdays homework we will learn how to use online tools to show our classroom work and the creation of a hands on projects.  We will build a skateboard for the Skateistan program.

Asynchronous Grouping
We will learn how to create groups using online tools so students have students in groups not in the same class.  We will do this through robotics and online communication tools.

We will learn how to allow students to use online tutorial tools at self paced speed.  We will build 3d prototypes in a virtual world.  We will use a CNC router system to take something we have made in the virtual world and have a machine create it in the real one.

We will bring all this together understanding how to fight off the "God Complex" and start designing our own hands on transparent classrooms that we reverse teach in.

*We will also learn how to communicate with each other through a blog which we will us to provide feedback on our reading assignments


1. First, please make sure you have a Google Account (free) made which will give you access to free online document sharing. (explained below)

2. Once you have created your account please create a blog for this strand.

3. Now you can look at Google Reader (well use this with our classmates to connect later on)

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Reading Material

There are 2 books to read (if you are taking this course for Grad Credit)

The book I have chose by Matthew Crawford.   Is

Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry into the Value of Work

The book everyone will be reading at the Institute is

Digital Connections in the Classroom (Marcovitz, ISTE, 2012)